Undergraduate and MSc projects at UCL

Undergraduate project opportunities in the lab for 3rd year students are advertised by the Experimental Psychology department in the early summer of each year - please apply directly through the departmental portal.

If you are a Masters student at UCL interested in pursuing a research project in the lab, please get in touch with Marco as soon as possible (m.wittmann <at> ucl.ac.uk).

Research assistants

We are likely to advertise soon for a research assistant position to start in Winter 2024/2025. If you are interested, do get in touch (m.wittmann <at> ucl.ac.uk)! The work will comprise helping to set up a new non-invasive deep brain stimulation technique (transcranial ultrasound stimulation) as well as running and analysing behavioural experiments.

PhD students

We will be taking on PhD students to start in October 2025. If you are interested email Marco (m.wittmann <at> ucl.ac.uk) around August 2024. The Department of Experimental Psychology funds a limited number of places via demonstratorships (TA positions) and UCL scholarships (such as the Research Excellence Scholarship) - see here for more details. Tali Sharot’s group also maintains a helpful list of PhD programmes and funding opportunities.

Postdoctoral positions

We do not have open positions at the moment, but we can support fellowship applications. Please feel free to drop us a line (m.wittmann <at> ucl.ac.uk) describing your interests and include a CV.